Delivery & Returns

Delivery & Returns


The ordered goods can be picked up at our premises, Paalsesteenweg 55/1, 3580 Beringen (Belgium), by appointment. Collection must take place within a period of 10 calendar days from the order. If the goods are not collected within the stipulated period, the order will be cancelled.


The delivery of goods, subject to availability and delays caused by third parties, will take place within 5 working days.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we provide appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to protect and secure the information we collect online

How we use cookies

1. The goods ordered may be returned within 14 days of receipt.
2. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the sender.
3. The goods must be returned undamaged and in the original packaging.
4. Complete this return document and attach it to the return.
5. All returned goods will be fully refunded.

Do you live nearby? Then you can also bring it in. (Paalsesteenweg 55/1 3580 Beringen Belgium).

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